For my D&D Bard, a Tiefling named Dark Star:
I'm not your toy. I don't dance to your whims and desires. I'm not someone to be shamed because I don't act like you think I should. Shame, you think you know shame because some god told you it. I sing, play and act damn well because it was trained into me. It's the only "purpose" I was made for. The only thing I know. When I don't fulfill that purpose, that's shame.
But I'd give it all away to find anything left inside. For someone, for once, and more than once, to see more than the pretty puppet that struts across the stage. Do I really have no purpose other than to look good? To give and give and give...until there's nothing left inside. Hollow, inside and out. Make people like you by any means necessary, because they surely wouldn't otherwise. Because who could love a puppet, a pretty doll with no soul of their own?